Category: Bird Repellers

There are different types of Bird Repellers: bioacoustic bird repellers; laser deterrents; visual bird repellents; ultrasonic deterrents; mechanical solutions to prevent birds from perching in an area; scent repellents; others with a triple deterrent effect…

Each of these types of bird repellers has its advantages and disadvantages. There is no “best bird repeller” that works for all cases and for any bird species.

At BirdGard Iberia, we specialize in bird control solutions. We understand that choosing the most suitable bird deterrent for each specific case is not an easy task.

That’s why we provide a selection of articles that we believe will help you choose the most appropriate deterrent for your situation, whether it’s: removing sparrows that sneak into a warehouse; protecting your crop from blackbirds; preventing pigeons from perching on your antenna…

In our blog, you will also find specific sections on the birds you need to deter: pigeons, seagulls, sparrows, crows… With specific articles on how to deter these bird species.

We put all our experience at your service. We trust that you will find the information you need to solve your bird problem in a way that is respectful to the animals and the environment.


How to Repel Seagulls from Rooftops

This article explains how one of BirdGard Iberia’s clients managed to repel seagulls from the rooftops of their factory. Flocks of thousands of seagulls were continuously using the roofs of one of the buildings in the factory, which spans over 75,000 square meters. Their presence resulted in over a ton of waste and dirt per year. Thanks to the bioacustic Bird Gard seagull repellers , the seagulls have relocated to other areas away from the factory, ceasing to be a problem.


Broadband Pro Repeller – Frequently Asked Questions

BroadBand Pro bird repeller combines two technologies: on one hand, it is an ultrasonic repeller; on the other, it is a bio-acoustic bird repeller.

We recap the most frequently asked questions about this bird control system.


How to Repel Pigeons

This article provides good advice on how to repel pigeons from balconies, roofs, crops, gardens, swimming pools, antennas, and more.


Repel Sparrows

Great Tips for Repelling Sparrows. Discover the Bird Gard Sparrow Repeller as one of the most effective solutions for scaring away sparrows.


How to Keep Birds Away from Crops

This post teaches us which bird species attack orchards the most. And what are the best methods for repelling birds from crops…


How to Repel Seagulls

Discover the top three solutions to Repel Seagulls: The Sonic Seagull Repeller “BirdGard Pro #20”. The Visual Seagull Deterrent “Eolo Hawk ScareCrow”. And the Boat Seagull Repeller “StopGull Air”.