This article aims to provide assistance to all individuals experiencing issues with birds in order to identify the most suitable electronic bird repeller for each case.
What Should I Consider When Choosing an Electronic Bird Repeller?
- When selecting an electronic bird repeller, the first thing to consider is the required coverage area. For example:
- Do we need to deter pigeons from a 20 sqm terrace?
- Or do we need to repel starlings and blackbirds from a 2-hectare vineyard?
- Next, we should consider whether the bird repeller must be silent or if we can install a bioacoustic bird deterrent that emits audible sounds. For example:
- If we need to repel pigeons from a historical building visited by tourists, we will likely require a silent bird deterrent.
- We can use a bioacustic bird repeller, for instance, to repel starlings and blackbirds from a vineyard.
In most cases, by considering these two criteria – coverage area and whether the repeller can emit sounds or must be silent – we can identify the type of bird repeller that best suits our needs.
Can Bird Repellers effectively scare off any type of birds?
Some models of bird repellers, such as the UltraSonX – Ultrasonic Bird Deterrent, the BroadBand Pro Bird Deterrent (which combines sounds and ultrasonic waves), or the Bird Lazzer Indoor Laser Bird Deterrent, are generic in nature. In other words, they are not specifically designed to repel a particular bird species. In principle, they can be used to repel any bird species.
However, certain other models of bird repellers, such as the bioacoustic repellers Bird Gard Pro, Bird Gard Pro Plus, Bird Gard Super Pro, BirdGard Super Pro Amp, or BirdGard Super Pro PA4, are specific to the type of birds to be repelled. For this type of Bioacoustic Bird Repellers, we need to identify the bird species we need to repel: Do we need to repel Pigeons? Seagulls? Sparrows? Cormorants? Argentine parrots? Woodpeckers? Or do we need to scare off a mixture of small birds such as thrushes, starlings, robins, sparrows, magpies, etc.?
The following table schematically shows the main criteria to determine the most suitable electronic bird repeller for each specific case. We have divided the table into three parts for better visibility.

More Information about Bird Repellers
- We present a selection of the best articles on how to repel pigeons, deter seagulls, repel sparrows… in different specific cases.
- The article “How to Prevent Birds from Perching on the Antenna” presents the Eolo Bird Scarer for Antennas, a very effective solution to prevent birds from perching on antennas.
- This article provides two useful tips for choosing the best Visual Bird Repellent.