Grúas Garro Shares Their Experience
Grúas Garro explains how they started experiencing seagull infestations on the roofs of their pavilions in Beasáin (Spain) over 7 years ago.
And how they have successfully gotten rid of the seagulls thanks to Bird Gard bioacustic repellers.
About Grúas Garro

Grúas Garro is a lifting and transport services company with cranes. They provide assembly services for all types of structures such as bridges, pavilions, and industrial buildings, with heights of up to 130 meters and heavy loads weighing up to 500 tons.
Grúas Garro was founded by Santi Garro in Beasáin (Spain) in 1972. Since then, the company has grown and now has new branches in Mondragón, Vitoria, and Andoáin.
The Seagull Infestation Problem
In their main facility in Beasáin, Grúas Garro has two pavilions of around 2000 m2, located in an industrial estate. Beasáin is approximately 40 km away from the Basque coast.
Since its foundation and for over 40 years, the company operated without any issues related to bird infestations.

However, in 2013, they encountered an unexpected problem: hundreds of seagulls started congregating on the roofs of their pavilions. They soon realized that this sudden influx of seagull flocks was due to the recent opening of the Sasieta landfill, located approximately 2-3 km from Beasáin. The easy food available at the landfill started attracting many seagulls to the area.
In the vicinity, there is also a reservoir called the Arriarán reservoir. The seagulls had the perfect habitat where they could feed at the landfill, drink from the reservoir, and then perch and rest on Grúas Garro’s pavilions.
The pavilions at the Beasáin facility have roof lighting with plastic windows. The seagulls would peck at the plastic windows, causing holes. When it rained, water would seep through the holes into the pavilions. Grúas Garro had to invest multiple times in costly repairs to fix the holes caused by seagulls on the roofs.
Bird Gard Bioacustic Repelllers were the Solution to Get Rid of Seagulls
That’s when they decided to tackle the problem. They searched online for effective methods to repel seagulls and discovered Bird Gard bioacustic repellers.
Santi Garro recalls:
“In 2013, I purchased a BirdGard Pro #20 seagull deterrent. I received it within two days, installed it, and it was a game-changer. I have been using it continuously for over 7 years. Since then, not a single seagull in the pavilions.”
However, initially there was a problem. When the bioacustic repellers was installed in Grúas Garro’s pavilions, the seagulls simply moved to other pavilions in the industrial complex.
Santi Garro explains:
“When I installed it in 2013, neighboring companies in the industrial complex complained. But we gathered and decided to address the problem collectively. Now we have two BirdGard Pro #20 bioacustic repellers in the industrial company. No company is facing seagull issues anymore. In fact, the seagulls have completely disappeared from the industrial complex.”
Since the seagulls did not nest on the pavilion roofs but only perched there during the day, the seagull repeller was configured to emit sounds only during the day. It automatically stays silent at night. The equipment is located on the pavilion roof, mounted on a pole, about 50 cm from the roof.
Santi Garro comments:
“The sounds emitted by the repeller are not bothersome at all. Occasionally, we hear the sound of a bird inside the workshop, but it’s not bothersome. Not for us in our pavilion, nor for the other companies in the industrial complex.”
The Sasieta landfill was closed in 2017-2018. However, even after the closure of the landfill, seagulls have continued to remain in the municipality of Beasáin. Santi Garro explains how he discovered this:

“Some time ago, our seagull deterrent broke down. Well, within a few days, we had seagulls on the pavilion roofs. Fortunately, we realized it quickly. We purchased another bioacustic repeller from BirdGard Iberia, and they didn’t cause much damage. Now I always keep a spare Bird Gard repeller. I don’t want to be without protection against seagulls. Because if you let your guard down over a weekend, they can cause trouble.”
Grúas Garro Recommends Bird Gard Bioacustic Repellers to Get Rid of Seagulls
Thanks to the Bird Gard sonic repeller, Grúas Garro has achieved:
- Minimizing maintenance costs for the roofs of their pavilions in Beasáin.
- Avoiding dirt and potential diseases caused by seagull droppings.
- Improving the image to their customers at their Beasáin facility.
Santi Garro states:
“This bird repeller has been a great investment. Thanks to it, we have saved a lot on roof maintenance costs.
I recommend this solution to any company that has seagull problems on their premises. And if anyone is interested, they can contact me or come to our Beasáin facility to see the bird repellers in action!”
How to Get Rid of Seagulls – Additional Information
Discover the top three solutions for seagull repellers: The “BirdGard Pro #20” Sonic Seagull Repeller, the “Hawk ScareCrow Eolo” Visual Seagull Deterrent, and the “StopGull Air” Anti-Seagull Boat Solution.
If you want to read other customer references:
- This article explains how one of BirdGard Iberia’s customers managed to scare seagulls away from the roofs of their factory.
- Flocks of thousands of seagulls were continuously using the roofs of one of the buildings in the factory, which covers an area of over 75,000 square meters.
- Their presence generated over a ton of debris and dirt per year.
- Thanks to the Bird Gard sonic deterrents, the seagulls have relocated to other areas outside the factory, ceasing to be a problem.
- Case study: CTM (Centro de Transportes de Madrid) manages multiple warehouses in the south of Madrid. Thousands of seagulls frequented one of their warehouses. The presence of seagull infestations on the warehouse roof caused numerous maintenance issues for CTM. Along with other methods, CTM has been using the BirdGard Pro Plus #20 seagull deterrent since 2018 to combat seagull infestations.
- For more information about the problems caused by seagulls in landfills and reservoirs, we recommend the article “Seagulls in Landfills and Reservoirs: A Public Health Issue”.
- You can purchase your seagull deterrent from the BirdGard Iberia online store.