When it comes to repelling cats, customers ask us: How do I keep cats away from my house?; How to repel cats naturally?; What repels cats?; How to get rid of a colony of cats? What can I do to stop cats from using my yard as a toilet?…
This article addresses all these questions and teaches us:
- What products we can use to repel cats
- How ultrasonic cat repellers work
- What are the most common problems caused by cats
- What other anti-cat measures to implement, to prevent unwanted cats from entering our yard, garage, or garden…
Products to Repel Cats
There is a wide range of products for repelling cats. Let’s look at the most important anti-cat products, their effectiveness, advantages, and disadvantages:
- Ultrasonic Cat Repellers – Recommended because they are effective and do not harm the animal.
- Cat Trap Cages – Recommended because they allow capturing stray cats without causing them any harm.
- If you are interested in this anti-cat method, we recommend the article “The Best Animal Trap Cages. Comparison and Recommendations”
- Electric Fences – Not recommended, they are dangerous and can harm cats.
- Water Sprinkler for Repelling Cats– Also recommended because they are effective and do not harm cats.
- Liquid Cat Repellent. Manual application and limited duration. It is necessary to spray the product in areas where we do not want cats to approach: garbage bins, lawn…
- Granulated Cat Repellent. Manual application and limited duration. They work as a barrier. The granules must be spread around the perimeter of the area we want to protect from cats.
- Smelly Cat Repellent:
- Such as citronella, lemon or orange essential oils, or garlic infusions…
- Smelly plants like eucalyptus, mint, spearmint, or basil.
- In general, these are homemade remedies to repel cats that we do not recommend because they are very ineffective.
How an Ultrasonic Cat Repeller Works
An ultrasonic cat repeller is a device that operates on batteries, plugged into the electrical power, or through a solar panel incorporated into the device.
Typically, ultrasonic cat repellers are for outdoor use. That is, they are recommended for repelling cats in gardens, patios, terraces, etc… Thus, they can be placed outdoors and withstand rain, snow, etc…
Ultrasonic cat repellers come equipped with a motion detector that detects the presence of the animal within a certain coverage range. At that moment, the cat repeller emits an ultrasonic beep at a frequency between 21kHz and 25kHz. Cats’ hearing system operates in this frequency range. Therefore, cats perceive this beep as a loud sound that scares them. In this way, the device manages to scare away the cats.
Some of these ultrasonic cat repellers combine the emission of this ultrasonic beep with other elements, such as a flash of light, or a water sprinkler, which combined achieve even better results in scaring away cats.
In BirdGard Iberia’s online store, you will find a carefully selected range of the best cat repellers from leading market brands. Check the technical specifications of the different ultrasonic devices for cats to know their motion detection range, coverage, extras, available accessories, etc…

Can people hear ultrasounds for cats?
The typical hearing range of a human is 20 kHz. Ultrasounds for cats usually operates in a sound frequency range of 23 kHz (+/- 2 kHz) which is outside the normal hearing range of most people. We can “feel” the cat ultrasound repellent but we don’t hear it anywhere near the volume at which it is emitted.
Do ultrasonic cat repellers scare away any cat?
In general, ultrasound for cats scares away all species of cats. However, if the cat is very old or has hearing problems, it may not hear the ultrasonic beeps as loudly and therefore may not be as effective for them.
Most common problems caused by cats
Cats are very clean animals and like to go away from their living area to do their business. Therefore, the problem for many people is that they are tired of having to clean up their neighbor’s cat poop.
Stray cats are also a problem. Since the gestation period for cats is very short (only 65 days), if not controlled, stray cat populations increase significantly.
Some cats seek shelter under cars and, although less frequently, sometimes scratch the bodywork.
Anti-cat recommendations
If you need to scare away unwanted cats, the easiest and most effective way is to install a cat repeller. It is important to position the device well in the cat’s entry area or the area we want to protect.
And, in addition to installing an anti-cat repellent, it is advisable to take some very simple measures to avoid anything that may attract cats:
- Remove trash, or place it in secure containers. Garbage leftovers are the main food source for stray cats.
- Do not leave food or drink remains…
- Do not leave pet food within reach.
How to repel cats – Conclusions
We hope that this article on how to repel cats has been useful to you. You can find all the recommended products in this article at the BirdGard Iberia online store.
If you have any additional questions, or are unsure which solution to apply in your case, do not hesitate to contact BirdGard Iberia. One of our experts will advise you for free on the best solution for your specific case to repel cats.